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November Content Ideas for Real Estate Agents

November is always a fun month for us to plan content- there's so much to look forward to and the excitement of the holidays brings lots of content ideas for us to play on. Keep reading for content ideas that are perfect for any real estate agent to use for this month

real estate social media marketing realtor content ideas

Local ideas:

Why People Move to Your City: Give the lowdown on why your city is a gem of a place to settle down in. Talk about weather, things to do, community, and whatever else you love about your city

The Misconceptions of Living in Your City: For those who say “I’d never live there”- prove them wrong and bust the misconceptions people have of living in your area. For example: “There’s nothing to do there” or "It's only for old people"

The Upcoming Holiday Events in Your City: Curate a list of holiday events you look forward to every year and share it with your followers

The Best Local Shopping for Holiday Wishlists: Highlight your favorite local shops and show support by tagging them in your post or video

Seasonal Ideas:

How to Prepare to Host Thanksgiving in Just 5 Days: Share tips for last-minute hosting by giving a daily to-do list highlighting what to get and what to do each day to have everything done by Thanksgiving day

Easy Swaps to Transition from Autumn Decor to Holiday Decor: We all know we decorate for Christmas time early- get ahead of the crowd and give ideas on easy swaps. For example: swap out pumpkins for $5 trees from Target

Real Estate Ideas:

A Guide to Listing During the Holidays: Talk about staging etiquette, the realness of listing during these hectic times, and how pricing competitively matters

Ways to Work Around High-Interest Rates: Everyone has the interest rate scaries, show them ways to work around it by educating followers on buy-down loans, larger down payments, etc...

Ways to Work Around High-Interest Rates: Everyone has the interest rate scaries, show them ways to work around it by educating followers on buy-down loans, larger down payments, etc...

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